Saturday 29 September 2012

The Monopoly Man Story

One year of malhappenings! Thanks to everyone who's been reading along the way.
Note for the folks at home: True Story started as (and still is) a vehicle to tell my family and friends strange things that have happened to me in Kenya. I would also like to think that it's fulfilling the "Third Goal" of the US Peace Corps: "To help promote a better understanding of other peoples on the part of Americans". Originally, I drew True Story on white sketch paper with a fine tip Uni-Ball "Vision" pen. Then I would scan the inked comic (using a fellow volunteer's scanner) and edit using GIMP on a computer at the school where I work. Here I would add the two shades of grey, and later the shadowing. Over the year, the process has been refined. Now I draw the comics directly into Photoshop using a Lenovo tablet laptop. This saves time, but took some getting used to. (Note the awkward handwriting in my first tablet-drawn comic as evidence of the learning curve.) All of the comics are hosted on Flickr, and the clog on Blogspot.