Saturday, 28 July 2012

So Filthy

Note for the folks at home: Among most Kenyans, cleanliness is of the highest priority. This drive manifests itself in the daily shining of shoes, obsession over removing clothing stains, and an almost neurotic preoccupation with spotting and dealing with even the tiniest marks on accessories (like backpacks.) The observant reader should, indeed, note my disdain for such a lifestyle, but also might correctly infer that the lifestyle I choose is considered dirty and careless by most Kenyans. The perpetual stains ornamenting my trousers are a constant source of stress for my colleagues. Perplexingly, the rural Kenyan reverence of cleanliness often doesn't extend into the olfactory --- the removal of body odors through deodorant, frequent showers, and even toothpaste aren't as common as one would assume. Perfume is becoming more popular, but it's hard to truly believe that fact when trapped in a steamy bus ride with thirteen other passengers for several hours in Kenya.