Note for the folks at home: The Kanga; also known variously as the leso ("lay-so"), kikoi ("kee-koy"), or shuka ("shoo-kah"); is an extremely common garment throughout Kenya. Generally considered the "traditional" counterpart to the more "western" outfit of trousers and shirt, a kanga is a rectangular sheet worn by wrapping around the body of a woman or man. Although a kanga about the waist is often paired with a western-style shirt, kangas can be worn by themselves (in which case several are needed, wrapped around waist, torso, shoulders, etc.) Kangas have numerous uses outside of clothing: baby papoose, blanket, plyable basket, towel, wall hanging, etc., etc., etc., ad infinitum.
Saturday, 9 June 2012
Guest True Story 3
Note for the folks at home: The Kanga; also known variously as the leso ("lay-so"), kikoi ("kee-koy"), or shuka ("shoo-kah"); is an extremely common garment throughout Kenya. Generally considered the "traditional" counterpart to the more "western" outfit of trousers and shirt, a kanga is a rectangular sheet worn by wrapping around the body of a woman or man. Although a kanga about the waist is often paired with a western-style shirt, kangas can be worn by themselves (in which case several are needed, wrapped around waist, torso, shoulders, etc.) Kangas have numerous uses outside of clothing: baby papoose, blanket, plyable basket, towel, wall hanging, etc., etc., etc., ad infinitum.